Since starting to shave as a young man, the blogger has owned and used four electric razors. First was a square-head Remington that gave a pretty good shave but consistently nicked the blogger's face and neck, drawing blood. Second was a floating round tri-head Norelco that gave a better shave than the Remington and never drew blood. After many years, it wore out. The blogger replaced it with another Norelco that got sluggish after nearly 20 years. He dismantled and cleaned it thoroughly, which added maybe a month to its life. Then it died altogether. The blogger went to his local Target to buy a new Norelco but found, since it was Christmastime, the Norelco shelf was bare. With hesitation, the blogger bought a round tri-head Remington (top, above), which is clearly a knock-off of the Norelco. Try as the Remington folks did, their shaver did not give as good a shave as the Norelco, and it had a bigger problem: While shaving, the individual blades and shields popped off. The first two times it happened, the assembly dropped to the floor. The third time, the shield fell to the floor, but the blade itself disappeared irretrievably down the sink drain of the campground restroom where the blogger was shaving. Later that day, the blogger checked for a set of Remington replacement blades at a WalMart Supercenter but found none. Knowing that replacement blades cost only about $10 less than a new cord/cordless Norelco, the blogger bought a new Norelco (bottom, above). It gives a better shave than the Remington knock-off, and it doesn't fall apart during the shave. Moral of story: When you find a good product, stick with it.
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